
Developmentof advanced functional materials is required for efficient collection andstorage of renewable forms of energy, like solar radiation or wind.

Development of advanced functional materials is required for efficient collection and storage of renewable forms of energy, like solar radiation or wind.

Knowledge on material properties, evaluation of defects, the use of novel manufacturing techniques and processes, the machining and forming of materials, modelling and simulation, engineering design and lifetime extension are all important research areas towards the sustainable energy transition.

With a growing renewable energy sector consideration of structures, materials and their interactions with the environment is needed. Also, when talking about energy efficiency in constructions it is important to develop structures and designs for e.g., energy converting devices, civil and domestic buildings, floating facilities, and various means of transport.

New and novel areas is being explored, like additive manufacture (3D printing), nanomaterials in different types of engineering, including electrical, chemical, and biomedical.

EOV partners have activities within several of these topics and areas of expertise, important when moving towards a sustainable low-emission society.



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