More extreme weather and related phenomena caused by climate change constitute a serious threat to the economy, our welfare and society overall. Climate Futures is to cooperate with partners from a number of sectors that are vulnerable to climate and weather extremes in order to create new solutions to predict and not least manage the climate risk from 10 days to 10 years ahead in.
The centre Climate Futures is led by NORCE, and is made up of seven research partners including EOV partner University of Bergen and the Norwegian School of Economics, as well as 30 user partners from business and industry. These represent the sectors of agriculture, renewable energy, disaster preparedness, shipping, insurance, finance, risk management services and public organisations.
The work in SFI Climate Futures will be organized in user-driven projects, ranging from short pilots lasting a few weeks or months to long-term strategic programmes over several years. Such a project-based structure was chosen to ensure that each partner takes an active role in the implementation and performance of the centre’s activities, and to ensure cooperation between the partner organizations across sectors and disciplines.
Our existing projects include Seasonal Forecasting Engine and the Bjerknes Climate Prediction Unit.
For more information, please contact Erik Kolstad Director of SFI Climate Futures