Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium

NORA – Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium – aims to strengthen Norwegian research, education and innovation within artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics.

The NORA consortium was established 21 November 2018 and EOV partner University of Bergen and NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS are partners in the consortium.

NORA shall contribute in developing joint research projects between partners, NORA will take an active part in establishing start-up companies in the artificial intelligence field, as well as strengthening the collaboration between the consortium partners' research communities and the business community.

The consortium will further contribute to positioning Norwegian research in artificial intelligence on the international arena and have a special responsibility for developing activities aimed at Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.

In addition, the consortium will create meeting places and host various events for researchers and students. NORA is also a member of CLAIRE - Confederation of laboratories for artificial intelligence research in Europe and has taken a role to serve as CLAIRE office in Norway/Nordics.

There is great interest in NORA and the consortium will be expanded with new partners. NORA is open for new partners, both public and private. Would you like to know more about NORA, our activities and what we can contribute to, please send an e-mail to